Staying Clear


A Roadmap For Challenging Times

Staying Clear

This new seminar is about finding clarity in your life. You will have an opportunity to review what you want out of life, your passion, your hopes, your fears, your values, your ability to deal with authority – yours and others – and the role conflicts that trip you up.

Course Fee: $450
Duration: 5 Weeks


Course fee includes the Staying Clear Book

Curriculum covers Courage, Leadership, Ethics and Values, Authority, and Role. CLEAR

By using a dynamic decision-making framework, you will become clearer in your decision-making process, and you will be able to engage in difficult conversations and make wise choices that may not meet everyone else’s agenda. This seminar will help you experience greater confidence and courage as you express your authentic leadership style.


“Annabel Beerel frames the concept of “new realities” as those truths that are bombarding us all the time. She illuminates a practice whereby each of us can step with courage into seeing these new realities as they are — neither deferring action nor avoiding their import. In so doing, we change ourselves, adapting and transforming and becoming what we’ve always longed to be: The leaders of our lives.”

“This seminar exceeded all expectations! I was feeling stuck and now I feel empowered!”

“Helped me think outside of the box and understand the importance of living my values!”

“Excellent seminar. Very helpful for team building and enhancing communications.”

“A very inspiring, engaging and thought-provoking seminar with guidelines for immediate application.”